Creating Entrepreneurship In Local Economic Development Through Homestays In Mangli Magelang Tourism Village: Overview Of Social And Economic Aspects


  • Ahmad Mansur STIE Pariwisata Indonesia
  • Ray Octafian STIE Pariwisata Indonesia
  • Nina Mistriani STIE Pariwisata Indonesia
  • Pranoto Pranoto STIE Pariwisata Indonesia



Entrepreneurship, Local Economy, Homestay, Social, Economic


One of the entrepreneurial benefits of the tourism sector is building the local economy. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of entrepreneurship in developing the local economy through the development of homestays in Mangli Magelang Village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. There are three important research stages carried out in this research, the first stage is exploring the symptoms that appear in the research object, the second is identifying the relationship between the symptoms and the aspects being studied, the third is the analysis and interpretation of the relationship between the symptoms and the aspects being studied in the homestay. This research was conducted in Saung Krincing Msen, Mangli Tourism Village, Magelang Regency. The results and analysis of this research can be concluded that entrepreneurship plays an important role in developing the local economy by exploiting the potential of the destination it has and also the social impact of increasing knowledge about culture and of course social ties and interactions between local communities and tourists.


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