Keynote Speaker

Welcoming speech : Dr. Suhendroyono, SH., MM.,M.Par.,CHE., CGSP
Opening speech : Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiarto, M.Sc

Keynote speaker 1 : Dennie Mattews
Head ASIA of AHLEI - American Hotel anf Lodging Educational Institute

Keynote speaker 2 : Andar Danova L. Goeltom, S.Sos., M.Sc
Head of the Human Resources Development Center of the Ministry of Tourism And Creative Econony

Keynote speaker 3 : Ida Pandita Mpu Brahmanandsa – Prof.Dr.Ir. I Gde Pitana M.Sc.
Balinese High Priest And Professor at Udayana University and Fermer Deputy Manister of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy

Keynote Speaker 4 : Rozlizawaty Che Aziz, Ph.D
Faculty Hospitality - Tourism Wellness (FHPK) Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)

Keynote speaker 5 : Ass. Prof. Dr. Oratai Krutwaysho
Tourism Department Rajamangala University of Tecnology Lanna, Chiang Ma, Thailand

Keynote speaker 6 : Annie Yang Ph.D
Griffith university, Gold Coast, Australia

Moderator : Yulian Purnama
MC : Rizky Jember