Development Of Wana Wisata Ternadi As An Effort To Increase Tourist Visits In Ternadi Village, Kudus Regency
Wana Wisata Ternadi, Tourist, Tourism, Qualitative, KudusAbstract
Wana Wisata Ternadi is one of the attractive natural tourist destinations in Kudus Regency, Central Java. However, this tourism potential has not been maximally optimized, so tourist visits are still low. Therefore, efforts to develop Wana Wisata Ternadi are very important to increase tourist visits to this area. This study aims to identify potentials and constraints in the development of Wana Wisata Ternadi, as well as formulate appropriate strategies to increase tourist visits. The research method used qualitative approach includes field observation, in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders, and secondary data analysis. The results showed that Wana Wisata Ternadi has extraordinary natural potential, such as beautiful natural scenery, biodiversity, and historical heritage. However, the main obstacles faced are the lack of supporting infrastructure, lack of promotion, and not optimal management of tourist attractions. Therefore, the recommended strategy includes development through the 4A tourism attraction development approach (Access, Attractions, Activities and Amenities), increasing promotion through digital media, and empowering local communities in tourism management.
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