Langgeran Patuk Gunungkidul Tourism Attraction Management Strategy: A Qualitative Study
Touris Attraction Management, Management Strategy, Sustainable Tourism, Tourism DevelopmentAbstract
This qualitative study aims to investigate the strategies for managing the attractions of Langgeran Patuk Gunungkidul, a tourist destination in Indonesia. The research draws on a review of previous studies on tourism management in Indonesia and abroad, highlighting the importance of infrastructure and facilities, human resources, coordination, and promotion in enhancing the tourist experience. The study identifies internal and external factors that attract tourists, including the natural beauty and cultural significance of the site, as well as accessibility and government support. It also emphasizes the need for sustainable tourism practices that involve local stakeholders and prioritize environmental and cultural conservation. The study concludes that the management of tourist attractions requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates education, culture, and adventure tourism, as well as community engagement and participation. It suggests that the development of tourism infrastructure and facilities should be done in a way that is environmentally friendly and supports local communities. The study contributes to the understanding of the complexities involved in managing tourist attractions and provides insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to develop sustainable tourism practices in Indonesia.
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