Three Main Pillars of Agrotourism Success in Lerep Tourism Village: Farmer Groups, Pokdarwis, and BUMDes
Agrotourism, Farmer Groups, Pokdarwis, BUMDes, SynergyAbstract
Lerep Tourism Village has shown significant success in developing agrotourism through the synergy of three main pillars: Farmer Groups, Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis), and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). This study aims to analyze the roles and contributions of each pillar in supporting the success of agrotourism in Lerep Tourism Village. The method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through field observations, in-depth interviews with stakeholders, and literature studies. The results show that Farmer Groups play an important role in providing quality agricultural products as the main attraction of agrotourism. They implement good and sustainable agricultural practices and are active in developing processed agricultural product innovations. Pokdarwis, on the other hand, is responsible for managing and promoting Lerep Tourism Village. They organize various tourism activities and attractions, develop supporting infrastructure, and conduct marketing and destination branding. Meanwhile, BUMDes acts as an economic institution that manages village assets and potentials to support agrotourism development. BUMDes facilitates capital, develops agrotourism-related business units, and builds partnerships with external parties. The synergy between Farmer Groups, Pokdarwis, and BUMDes has created a strong and sustainable agrotourism value chain in Lerep Tourism Village. This collaboration enables optimal utilization of natural and human resources, capacity building of local communities, and more equitable distribution of economic benefits. This success is also supported by active community participation, local government support, and partnerships with the private sector and academics. This study concludes that the synergy of Farmer Groups, Pokdarwis, and BUMDes is the key to successful agrotourism development in Lerep Tourism Village. This model can serve as a reference for other villages that want to develop agrotourism potential by involving multi-stakeholder participation.
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