The Influence of Push and Pull Factor Motivation on Foreign Tourists' Revisit Intention in Religious Tourism
Religious tourism, Push and pull factors, Revisit intention, Foreign tourists, Batam CityAbstract
Religious tourism is a type of tourism categorized under special interest tourism. Special interest tourism emphasizes the push factors and specific interests or pull factors that greatly motivate tourists to visit the destination. This study aims to examine the influence of push motivation factors including education, interpersonal, physiological, and pull factors including tourist attractions, amenities, accessibility, and ancillary services on the revisit intention of foreign tourists to religious tourism destinations, specifically mosques in Batam City. This research is quantitative in nature, employing an explanatory method. Sampling was done using purposive sampling with accidental sampling method. Sample size determination was conducted using the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 10%, resulting in a minimum sample size of 100. Data was collected from 102 respondents through questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression. The results indicate that push factors such as education, interpersonal, physiological, and pull factors such as tourist attractions, amenities, accessibility, and ancillary services have a positive and significant influence on the revisit intention of foreign tourists to religious tourism destinations, specifically mosques in Batam City. These findings imply that tourism management or local governments can enhance pull factors, particularly the amenity variable. Focus should be on improving the completeness of facilities for religious tourism activities.
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