The Effect Of Implementing The Radec Learning Model On Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills Integrated With Cultural Diversity
RADEC, Communication Skills, IPASAbstract
The learning process greatly influences students' success in achieving learning goals, one of which is increasing students' critical thinking . Critical thinking at this time is one of the skills that really needs to be improved in 21st century education. This research aims to provide an overview of the influence of the RADEC learning model on students' critical thinking in elementary school science learning. This type of research is quantitative in the form of a quasi experimental design . The design applied is The Non equivalent Control Group Design . The technique used for sampling is cluster random sampling . The data analysis technique used is using a prerequisite test in the form of a normality test, then a homogeneity test and hypothesis testing using the t test. The average on the pretest in the experimental class was 44.05263 , after applying the RADEC learning model the post-test was 82.47. The control class obtained an average of 44.15 in the pretest and 69.5 in the post-test after learning using the conventional approach. After carrying out the t-test, it was obtained that t = 3.68 and t table was 1.68709 with a significance level of 0.05. Thus, t = 3.68 > t table = 1.68709, it can be concluded that the influence of the RADEC model was found on students' critical thinking in elementary school science and science learning.
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