Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival as a Means of Promoting Manado Tourism Local Wisdom
Local Wisdom, Festival, Lembeh Strait, Tourism Potential, PromotionAbstract
Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival is one of the biggest festivals in North Sulawesi. Lembeh Strait is located on Lembeh Island on the east side of Bitung city. The island has a lot of natural beauty and is dubbed as "The Mecca of Divers" for divers. Not only that, Lembeh Strait also has tourist attractions for visiting tourists, one of which is the Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival. This festival is routinely held every year, this festival is held with the aim of introducing tourism, culture, and local wisdom of the Bitung city community. In addition to contributions from local residents, the Bitung City Government also provides full support in this annual activity, the government hopes that the Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival can lure tourists to visit Bitung City. However, the lack of promotion of the Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival often has an impact on the course of the event, besides that security issues are also an important issue that is less considered. The purpose of this qualitative research method-based writing is expected to foster tourist interest in visiting the Lembeh Strait Enchantment Festival in Bitung City. As a result, Bitun City will become more famous and attract tourists to visit Lembeh Strait.
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