Unraveling the Role of Actors in Sustainable Tourism Village Management Using the Pentahelix Collaboration Model in Bandung Regency


  • Siti Alia Universitas Padjajaran
  • Elisa Susanti Universitas Padjajaran
  • Muhammad Andi Septiadi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung




Penta Helix, pengelolaan Desa Wisata, Kabupaten Bandung


The number of tourists coming to Indonesia has increased, referring to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) (2024), foreign tourist visits are still increasing, namely by 30.17% in 2022 and cumulatively at the end of 2023, the number of foreign tourist visits has reached 10. 41 million visits, an increase of 110.86 percent compared to the same period in 2022-2023. This shows that the recovery of the tourism sector in Indonesia is still continuing. Tourist villages have become an alternative travel experience for tourists after the cultural shift from mass tourism as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen crowds and massive numbers of immigrants shift to alternative tourism to enjoy rural nature and the social and cultural life of its people. Tourism villages are one of the priority programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the implementation of which requires cooperation from various parties. Petahelix Cooperation is an option in implementing this program. This research focuses on identifying the role of each actor involved in the Tourism Village ecosystem from each stakeholder who is part of the Penta Helix collaboration, namely the government as a facilitator and regulator, academics as a conceptor and tasked with sharing academic information, business which is a business actor who plays a role as an enabler for economic progress, community communities who serve as accelerators and drivers in tourism development and the media as information providers, entertainers and as social controls. Using a qualitative explanatory research method with a case study approach to describe the researcher's general view and try to reveal in depth the role of 5 actors in managing the Tourism Village in Alam Endah Village, Bandung Regency.


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