The Role of TVET In Stimulating Creative Economics Growth and Tourism Villages: Case Study In Segajih Hargotirto
TVET Creative Economy Tourism Village Segajih HargotirtoAbstract
This study aims to analyze the role of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in encouraging the growth of the creative economy and the segajih tourism village in Hargotirto Village, Kulon Progo. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study model. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results show that TVET has a significant role in encouraging the growth of the creative economy and tourism villages in Hargotirto. TVET provides the training needed by villagers to develop their skills in the field of creative economy and tourism villages. The positive impact of TVET on the growth of the creative economy and tourism villages in Hargotirto Village is the increasing number of tourists, increasing community income, creating new jobs, and increasing the standard of living of the community. This research recommends that the government continue to support the development of TVET in Indonesia by providing wider space for TVET, especially in rural areas that have creative economic potential and large tourism villages. The support might be through increasing budgets, infrastructure development, curriculum development, and increasing cooperation between vocational education and training institutions with industry and society.
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